Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers
NEKBA Beekeeping Classes 2025
Three opportunities for beginning beekeeping.
Same program but three dates/optons. Pick one!
Class #1 Info - Beginning Beekeeping (February 15, 2025 -Lawrence, KS)
Class #2 Info - Beginning Beekeeping (March 1, 2025 -Kansas City, KS)
Class #3 Info - Beginning Beekeeping (March 15, 2025 -
Olathe, KS)
*updated 27Nov2024
An advanced course for beyond beginning beekeeping...
Year-2 & Beyond Info . (January 18, 2025 - offered in Olathe, KS)
Mail-in REGISTRATION: 2025 Registration Form (to print if mailing payment)
*updated 06Dec2024....
OPEN ENROLLMENT - Beginning Class Offerings
2025 Bee-ginning Beekeeping Class - 3 dates/locations - same program
February 15, March 1, or also March 15, 2025. Saturdays 8:30 am to 5:00 pm (choose one)
1) Douglas County, Lawrence, KS - DoCo Fairgrounds Intro BBC1 Program Page
2) Wyandotte County, Kansas City, KS - WyCo Extension Office Intro BBC1 Program Page
or 3) Johnson County, Olathe, KS - JoCo Extension Office Intro BBC1 Program Page
While you're here, might as well check out Joli Winer's presentation on: "Urban Beekeeping and Kansas Honey Plants"
Did you know that Johnson County Community College offers a few levels of beekeeping courses? One of our long-term members, Robert Hughes, is the instructor. If it's not convenient for you to take our class, perhaps you might be interested in taking it from him at JCCC? JCCC Continuing Education course information is available here.
Instructor and beekeeper Robert Hughes is available via email or by phone: 913-485-9132 (text or call).
What equipment should I get? How much does it cost in 2023? Here is an idea to get you started in the1st year (download .2025.pdf or .2025.xlsx)
NEKBA is dedicated to education in the state of Kansas, and we work hard to keep our costs down, so we remain the best value for bee education. To that end we have kept our registration fees for this event set at $50. These fees cover your access to all the excellent education mentioned above and covers lunch and snacks. We challenge you to find a better deal than this!
Whether you are a seasoned beekeeper or just starting, the NEKBA Bee classes offers valuable insights, networking opportunities, and practical knowledge to enhance your beekeeping practice. Don’t miss this chance to learn from experts, connect with fellow beekeepers, and explore the latest in beekeeping technology.
Need a book? We recommend many but here's what we used for our 2019 class. "The Beekeeper's Handbook" by Dr. Diana Sammataro and Alphonse Aritabile. Diana was our 2016 keynote bee class speaker.
Our offering for more experienced beekeepers (Year-2 & Beyond) is offered on January 18, 2025.
Beginning Bee Classes are held on Saturdays starting 8:30 am and ending between 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm. We try to keep rates low. As a non-profit we budget to cover anticipated expenses, which we come very close to doing each year that we have put on the classes. Class 2025 dates are: February 15, March 1, and March 15. Plan on arriving a little early for better seating. Doors open at 8:30 AM
Dadant & Son's informational brochure: Me? & Beekeeping!
Use this link to our Square Web Site to register and pay via Square. PayPal option is available (lower) on this page site.
What happens after you sign-up?
You'll get a confirmation email of your payment. The email will serve as your registration. If you can't find the email, make sure to check your spam folder. If you are having problems and would like assistance, text or call 913-481-3504 or email. Thank you.
As a local association, we've been around for a while...since 1948! People are keeping bees in the city, suburbs, as well as out in the country! We make beekeeping fun and interesting. We share ideas on best practices - keeping your bees alive, ways to collect and harvest honey, process bees wax, market your products. We have always been BIG on honey bee education. We share ideas on what to do with your beeswax, and how to best present your products. We have members of all ages and levels--new hobbyist to professional. Our meetings are open, and there's no pressure to join. See our Bee FunDay page about our next big educational event. Also check out ourCalendar page and NEKBA Newsletter Archive.
In our class, we start with an overview and short history of beekeeping, followed by detailed and hands-on instruction on how to become a beekeeper. We will introduce you to relatively new beekeeper couple and what they have experienced, bee equipment and ways to obtain honey bees and how to give them the best start. We'll teach some honey bee biology and what to expect with your bees. We'll let you know what to expect to learn from what the association has to offer in our programs and events throughout the year. We'll have an introduction into some important honey plants to know about as well as where to keep your hive and how to look inside. We'll get into varroa mite managementand diseases that honey bees can get. Ending the class, we'll review how to harvest your honey crop and equipment needed. We'll also have some Q&A at the end of the sessions as time allows.
Check your monthly newsletter for any updates and other programs (meetings).
Condensed into one day classes. Register in advance.*
Resources for Better Beekeeping for 2025 (updated 25Feb2025) with links to download or print.
Use PayPal or Square to register or print & mail the form.
Contact Class Chair-person, Kristi Sanderson
via email: Kristi Sanderson (email) or mobile phone: 913-768-4961.
Contact (email) for registration problems.
Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association
The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.
OPEN ENROLLMENT - Advanced Class
1) 2025 Year 2 & Bee-Yond Class Intro BBC2+ Program Page
January 18, 2025. Saturday in-person Olathe, Ks JoCo Extension Office
8:30 am to 5:00 pm
We are building a knowledgeable beekeeping community through fellowship, classes, and events.
If you are thinking about taking a honey bee class, please consider us, NEKBA, your local association.
There are many things to learn before embarking on this adventure. Our bee class is a combination of hands-on demonstrations and lecture-led discussions that will inspire you to get prepared and get started.
These courses cover bee equipment, bee biology and anatomy, starting your first hive, products of the hive, bee friendly vegetation, and many other honey bee related subjects.
Our Bee Class is great for people who are interested in getting started with honey bees and beekeeping. This is the course to benefit you in getting started. And perhaps,if you have taken our bee class before, you may want to take it again as a re-fresher. It'll make even more sense after you've already had your bees for a season or several.