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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



HANDOUT "Beekeeper's Year" (.pdf download) - per request...'Spring Feeding" presentation. 

"Tips for Feeding your Bees"(.pdf download).

(You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the presentations. If you do not have it, please click on the Link button to download a free copy.)


presenTations - OUR 2025 NEKBA Bee class.                              YEAR 2 & BEYOND.

We offer region specific knowledge, and support for all levels. A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience.

It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, educate, persuade, or build good will. 

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

BBC2 2025 Class Outline & Presentations.  Temporary Posting...

         Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association 

 Year-2 and Beyond Beekeeping 

When:  Saturday, January 18, 2025, 8:30am-5:00pm

         Where:  Johnson County Extension Office

         11811 S Sunset Dr, Olathe, KS

8:30-8:50                     Registration

8:50-9:00                     Introduction - Kristi Sanderson    

9:00-9:45                     Winter & Early Spring Inspections - Matthew Brandes      PRESENTATION

Late winter inspections (January)—Hive hefting, when & how to feed hard sugar, what temps can brood frames be pulled out, accessing dead hives

Early spring (March) queen health, colony populations, cleaning bottom board & propolis off frames, hive box reversals or not, removing entrance reducers & mouse guards

9:50-10:10                  Spring Feeding - Bob Burns     PRESENTATION

                                            When, why and how to feed overwintered hives

10:10-10:25                Break/vendor time.  PRESENTATION

10:25-11:15                Splitting, Requeening & Swarming - Kristi Sanderson      PRESENTATION

Finding the queen, making & moving splits, preventing swarms, where to add new frames, what to do once hive has swarmed, cutting queen cells or not

11:20-12:05                Fall Management - Jon Chitwood      PRESENTATION

                                            Preparing bees for winter after honey supers have been removed

                                            When to do mite treatments, feeding for winter survival 

12:05-1:05                  Lunch/vendor time 

1:05-1:55                     Varroa Mites and Diseases - Joli Winer     PRESENTATION

                                            How to test and treat for mites and diseases that commonly exist in hives

2:00-2:30                    Extracting Honey - Buck Bradley     PRESENTATION 

The ins and outs of extracting 

2:30-2:45                     Break/vendor time   

2:45-3:25                    Producing Liquid and Comb Honey - Cheryl Burkhead      PRESENTATION

Evaluating hives to make comb honey and knowing when to add supers for a good honey  harvest

3:30-3:50                      What Blooms in the Fall - Jo Patrick    PRESENTATION 

Learn to identify fall and nectar fall plants

3:50-4:30                     Q &A with the presenters

4:30-4:45                     Closing Remarks