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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



NEKBA Newsletter & Document Archive (newsletter page link)  

​​​​​​Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

Pendelton's Country Market
Meet @ location of: 11446 E 1850 Rd, Lawrence, KS 66046. Use GPS for accurate location.
Actual Dates are:

  • Sunday, April 6   1-3pm -  Making a split
  • Sunday, April 13  1-3pm -  Making a split
  • Monday, April 21  5-6:30pm (prior to the monthly meeting) - Hive Inspections
  • Saturday, April 26  10am-12pm Hive Inspections - led by Tim Gogolski
  • Sunday, May 4  1-3pm Hive Inspections
  • Saturday, May 10  10am-12pm Hive Inspections - led by Tim Gogolski
  • Monday, May 19 5-6:30pm (prior to the monthly meeting) - Hive Inspections
  • Sunday, June 1  1-3pm Hive Inspections
  • Monday, June 9 5-6:30pm - Hive Inspections - led by Kristi Sanderson
  • Sunday, July 6  1-3pm Hive Inspections
  • Monday, July 14 5-6:30pm - Hive Inspections
  • Additional future dates TBA...and can be found in the SignUpGenius as scheduled

GPMB Open Apiaries- join us!

There are two locations (Lawrence, Spring Hill) and several dates to choose from- you get GPMB beehive hours for attending. 

I  NEKBA 2025 Open Apiaries (Lawrence)

  The NEKBA Open Apiary equipment was funded with a grant from the Great Plains Master Beekeepers. The excellent educational opportunity will be held weekly in April and at least twice a month in the other ‘active’ beekeeping months. This is a great program with many educational opportunities, many of which you may choose to take part in.

  At the open apiaries you can expect to go through hives to see all stages of brood, queens, and take part in assessing the hives and queens.  A great deal of time is also spent on using your smoker and hive tool and talking to participants about issues they are seeing in their hives.     Bee suits are available if you do not have one, and only NEKBA hive tools and smokers will be allowed in the apiary. The hives are located at Pendelton’s Farm Market 1446 E 1850 Rd, Lawrence, KS 66046.

These 2025 events are free, but we do ask that you sign up so that we know that you are coming. To sign up use the sign-up genius link:

II Mentoring at Joli & Cecil's, Spring Hill, KS:

  • Inspect a couple of different colonies
  • Bring your own protection
  • Weather Permitting, 1st Thursday of the month
  • Meet @ 5:00pm at the home of Joli & Cecil: 19201 S Clare Rd, Spring Hill KS.
  • Please call 913-856-8356 or email Joli, so we'll know how many to expect for the session.
  • Actual Dates are:

Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program 
There is a new program for Best-management practice beekeeping. The program covers beekeepers in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Learn the benefits and reasons to join. To participate, one needs to join GPMB. It's free to begin and it's easy. Learn more information about the program. Up-coming GPMB events calendar.

Shawnee County Area Beekeepers 2025 Meetings and Open Apiary.

Shawnee Co. Beginning Beekeeping at Ward-Meade Park 6:30-8:00 PM (3rd Wednesday) 2025 (124 NW Fillmore Street, Topeka, Kansas). Organized and Led by Becky and Steve Tipton.

Handout includes schedule (download)

This excellent educational opportunity at Joli & Cecil's Spring Hill location will be held monthly on the first Thursday of the month.  These open apiaries offer an opportunity to go through hives with another beekeeper- we look for eggs, larva, and queens.   A great deal of time is also spent on using your smoker and hive tool and talking to participants about issues they are seeing in their hives. Bee suits are available and only NEKBA hive tools and smokers will be allowed in the apiary. 

Have you heard about our Open Apiary and mentoring programs? Thanks to generous funding through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program, we have been able to start a teaching apiary in April of 2023 just outside of Lawrence, KS. 

First 2025 Dates -April 6th & 13th!   Thank you for coming and see you soon!

NEKBA Pendleton's Country Market Open Apiary Information 2025 

(printable download(Open Dates, Sign-upGenius info.) <- sign up here

...​Find out more information about mentoring and the

Open Apiary 2025 dates and times. 

NEKBA 2025 Open Apiary, Lawrence, KS:  

  • We'll have up-to ten (10) different colonies to inspect
  • Bring your own protection (extra suits available if you don't have one; Weather Permitting
  • Meet @: Pendleton's Country Market, 1446 E 1850 Rd, Lawrence, KS. (use GPS if needed).​
  • First dates are 06April and 13 April 2025. Sign up (above) so we know you're coming 

Open Apiary* —Come to the farm and get 
inside the hives. *Open Apiary events will be canceled for 
weather or illness. You must preregister 
with Becky to attend the session.  Mobile phone: 785-554-1591

March 30 -- Open Apiary 1st inspections of the year Hive Evaluation.

 April 27-- Spring feeding and growth. Making splits, installing queens.

May 25 -- Colony growth. Swarming and swarm catching.

June 7 -- NEKBA Bee FunDay DG. County Fairgrounds Register @

June 22 -- Supering your hives. Evaluating strength.

July 13 -- Honey harvest—pulling supers for extracting at class. 

August 24 -- Varroa treatment options demonstrated.

September 21 -- Winter preparation. Mouse guards, wind breaks, feed.

Becky & Steve Tipton
Farm address: 9491 X Rd, Meriden, KS 66512 785.554.1591


(You will need Adobe Acrobat to view some documents. Please click on the link below to download a free copy.)

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association has a more than 77-year legacy of supporting beekeeping from 1948 through 2025. Learn more about us.  2023 was our Diamond Jubilee !! 76 years now and going strong!