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Member efforts and willingness to get the newsletter by email have resulted in an estimated monetary savings of over $2,421 in postage for 2017.  
Imagine what our club does with that savings for other programs for 2018.  This also takes some pressure off our manual resources of having to print, fold, stamp, and mail.

​Overall, for 2017 we printed 2,331 newsletters and sent thru the USPS.  We delivered 4,941 emails with the newsletter. Thank you, for helping with the environment, too.

How to Receive the Buzzer Newsletter via Email           

Snail-mail is a thing of the past for some members.  If you would like to receive your Buzzer by email, please send send an email to beekeepers@nekba.org with your request. Remember to print your newsletter at home.

Members are increasingly taking advantage of the benefits of getting their information electronically. Delivery is faster, clutter is eliminated, and the risk of damage through the mail is reduced. A few tips to make the most of this service: Be sure to add applicable companies to your "trusted sites" e-mail list. That way, important information won't be delivered to your spam or 'junk' folder and discarded. Save key documents in an electronic file by scanning. Finally, back up your computer files onto an external drive of a CD, in case your computer crashes. 

....Personal satisfaction to our members.      

By improving local, regional, and independent beekeeping practices through better animal husbandry, recognition skills of diseases and pests, improved colony management, improved honey production and pollination, we hope to see significant increases in beekeeper enjoyment and, in general, overall managed honey bee colony health.  We thank you for joining us in this endeavor, and your financial support through membership and educational enterprise. We are glad you found us!

Our Mission & Purpose to Community....

​​​​​​Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

​The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers