Copyright © Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Assn  |   Privacy Policy

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



Next Monthly Meeting: Monday, March 17, in-person.  

See March 's newsletter for details (when available) the February 2025 "Buzzer" newsletter.

Newsletters are sent via email to new members to announce meeting subject, time and location. Check out the calendar of events.

Welcome to beekeeping!

Keeping honey bees can be a fascinating hobby with many benefits to you, your community, the planet, and the bees! Getting started can be summarized in a few steps:
Get educated; join a bee group; take some classes. Do some reading.  Find a location.  Decide on the type of equipment you want. Find a source for bees. Manage your hive.

Why beekeeping? It’s the back-to-nature hobby that has many people buzzing. Honey bees are an interesting and exciting social insect. Besides pollination, making honey for food, and beeswax, how bees live, work, and reproduce has intrigued humans since before recorded history.

Education is the most important step to successful beekeeping and will greatly increase your chances of enjoying a long and happy relationship with your bees. A bee class is invaluable for getting good basics. Even longtime beekeepers are sometimes challenged by new problems and are learning throughout their time with the bees.

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers’ Association has a great mixture of beginners, hobbyists, and well-seasoned beekeepers. There are so many different areas of knowledge that at first it can be daunting. Do not despair, and remember that there is more than one right way to do things. So, what are you waiting for?

NEKBA Newsletter & Document

Looking for older newsletters? Archive (newsletter page link)  

BEE class 2025

We are building a knowledgeable beekeeping community through fellowship, classes, and events.  (bee class page link)

NEKBA Membership Form 2025 to print & mail. (There is no need to print & mail this form, if you registered via PayPal).  What are membership benefits?

(You will need Adobe Acrobat to view some documents. Please click on the link below to download a free copy.)

MEMBERSHIP Renewal TIME for 2025

Is your membership Current? 

We do our best to give all members advance notification before expiring memberships.
THANK YOU for your interest and support throughout the years!

Electronic newsletters: Thank you for helping the environment and our labor resources! We make every attempt to notify our members of their expiring membership status on the newsletters and via email. If you do not receive any special notification in your email, then your membership is current and in good-standing. We do understand extenuating circumstances and financial difficulties. If you are have a situation and would like to continue, please contact the treasurer to make arrangements. 

Hard-copy newsletters: If you are receiving your newsletter via USPS, please check your mailing label. The year displayed after your name indicates the calendar year through which your membership is paid. For example “2024” indicates a membership paid through Dec. 31st 2024. A renewal would be necessary to participate in 2025 activities. We do our best to give you advance notification before expiring all memberships. Your support is greatly appreciated. 


Next monthly meeting is Monday,  March 17, 2025 7pm in-person.

Check theFebruary 2025 "Buzzer" newsletter!   We have posted our most current Video ListingBe sure to 'subscribe' to our YouTube channel for when we do go public with the files! Looking for KHPA "Value-added" YouTube videos? 

kansas honey producers assn  

Our Kansas Honey Producers Association (KHPA), formerly The Kansas State Beekeepers Association, was started over a 114 years ago for the purpose of promoting good beekeeping practices, to promote honey, to enable beekeepers from various areas to meet and share experiences and ideas, and to publicize the honey bee as an important contributor to the nation's food supply. The date on the association president's gavel for the association's founding is December 30, 1903.

KHPA hosts biannual meetings, early March and early October, to inform beekeepers about new things and get opinions on beekeeping. Their meetings are open to all interested in beekeeping and provide a good way to interact with and get to know new beekeepers from around the state. We sponsor talented speakers about current honey bee related items and more.
 Here's link to the KHPA website and their latest (1st Qtr 2025) newsletter. 

NEKBA Registration Options 2025
Ok to email newsletter(yes/no)?
Pls add addtl family or other names?

Have you heard about our mentoring and Open Apiary programs? Thanks to generous funding through the Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program, we began an apiary in April of 2023 just outside of Lawrence, KS. GPMB and Open Apiary(link).   First 2025 dates are posted...   Thank you for coming and see you soon!

Bee FEED SYRUP MIXING Calculator spreadsheet 

Trying to work out the sugar-to-water ratio (1:1 or 2:1) for feeding sugar syrup to your bees?  Here's a link to a spreadsheet calculator.​  Download and save the calculator for future reference. Did you know thatsugar syrup is the absolute best solution to feedyour bees?Sucrose (table sugar) is a 50/50 blend of fructose and glucose. 

Are you skillful with wood working? Want to make some of your own bee equipment?

Here's an article by Ed Simon from Bee Culture magazine

about building feeder stands for jar feeding.

Get a copy of Ed Simon’s book Bee Equipment Essentials, $20. (*Wicwas Press).  

Just Getting started in /2025?

How much does it cost?

What equipment do I need?

Here is an outline of items to get you started for the 1st year.(download .pdf2025 or .xlsx2025) Use this information to keep track of the equipment you'll need. Also, check out our tips for feeding your bees!

NEKBA is your Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers' Association.

Welcome, and thank you for exploring our site. Check out what's happening locally for beekeepers on our FB group site, what's going in our hives, and what's blooming in your backyards. Come back soon.

We are excited that you found us!  The NorthEastern Kansas Beekeepers Association.

Note: You can sign up for a new membership or renew at the same time you are registering for a class or an event or subscribing to the monthly bee magazines.

Are you listed? Sign up here for BeeCheck (formerly DriftWatch). It's a free mapping program. Beekeepers and pesticide applicators need to work together to protect apiaries.

Use the NEKBA Registration Options 2025 drop-box for memberships, magazines, events, and more!  

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association has a more than 77-year legacy of supporting beekeeping from 1948 through 2025. Learn more about us.  2023 was our Diamond Jubilee !! 

Our site uses HTTPS. A lock (  ) or https:// means you’ve safely connected to the website.  

A "safely connected" website means that your connection to the site is secure, indicated by a URL starting with "https" instead of "http", which signifies that your data is encrypted and protected when being sent to the website server, usually shown by a lock icon in your browser address bar.  Rest assured!

BEE Funday 2025 

More information on our Bee FunDay page Another opportunity for local involvement - hands-on and educational. Check out our information. Join us for an entire day of talks, workshops, lunch-including honey ice-cream. 

There is also an after-dinner planned.

Use this link to our Square Web Site to register and pay via Square. PayPal (above) is also an option.  

BEE classES 2025   FINAL Spring Beginning Class of 2025 is Saturday, March 15th

We are building a knowledgeable beekeeping community through fellowship, classes, and events.

Bee Class page)  Offering several opportunities and locations in early 2025. Check out our information.Join us for an entire day of class. Make plans for our Bee FunDay on Saturday, June 7th!Locations for the final spring bee class is in Olathe, Kansas. 

2025 Membership and other Fees on-line via PayPal or Square.

Beekeeping can be a life-long endeavor. We hope you'll continue to stay with us for all the benefits and enjoyment of getting out with nature. Membership and re-newal is easy Online: Use the PayPal option (above) to register and re-new. You have the option of using your own debit or credit card. One does not need to have a PayPal account. Try it out!  Or by Mail: print and mail using the  2025 Membership Form. We'll be letting you know when you are up for renewal. 

Thank you! Have a terrific honeybee-season for 2025! 

​​​​​​Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

The Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

Great Plains Master Beekeeping Program 
There is a new program for Best-management practice beekeeping. The program covers beekeepers in Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Learn the benefits and reasons to join. To participate, one needs to join GPMB. It's free to begin and it's easy. Learn more information about the program. Up-coming GPMB events calendar.


open apiary 2025 

More information on our Open Apiary page

NEKBA with support from Pendleton's Mkt!  Open Apiary Information 2025 (Open Dates, Sign-upGenius info.) <- sign up at your convenience.  ​Find out more information about mentoring and the Open Apiary 2025. Dates and times now open. 

LEARN, SUPPORT, subscribe

We offer region specific knowledge, and support for all levels. Join, renew, register, subscribe! more

Yes! There are honey bee magazines for beekeepers! 

We all need a little extra help in keeping our bees going. Good beekeepers stay up-to-date with publications, meetings, and more!


Bee Culture Magazine (link)        American Bee Journal (link)

For annual subscription rates average of just $2.47 or $2.83 per month, this is fantastic information is right at your finger tips. It's important to keep up-to-date with the trends in biology, honey processing, and more!

Plenty of informative how-to articles, bee biology, and market up-dates. Regular contributors help you to learn to keep your bees healthy. Subscribe on-line (Bee Culture) or through the association (discount on ABJ only). Don't miss out! 

​Get the latest news.

SINCE 1948    

2024 is the association's 76th milestone year!​   EXPLORING THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF BEEKEEPING  TOGETHER

For honey bees and beekeepers, we give each season our best effort in making an indispensable contribution to our rich and healthy environment. It is not just because we have a special delicacy but due to our passion and responsibility to the world in which we all live.