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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



Great Plains Master Beekeeping - Mission & Benefits Brochure  (.pdf download)​

​Missouri State Beekeepers Association "Raw Honey" Brochure 
(.pdf download

National Honey Board Brochure Honey & Food 50 Ingredients that benefit from pollination 
(.pdf download)

​​Monarch Butterfly - Host and Nectar Plants (.pdf download)

Bumble Bee Forage (.pdf download)

Package Bee Installation & OA Dribble info  (.pdf download)

HANDOUT "Beekeeper's Year" (.pdf download) - per request...'Spring Feeding" presentation BBC2 18Jan2025. 


  1. Handbook of Small Hive Beetle from Clemson Cooperative Extension (.pdf download 1.9MB)
  2. Queen Rearing Brochure from Univ. of Arkansas (.pdf download 792KB)
  3. Feeding Bees Sugar - Best Practices Fact Sheet from​ UK Government (.pdf download 358KB)
  4. Best Practices Guidelines: The Essence of Beekeeping from UK Government (.pdf download 390KB)
  5. Best Practices Guidelines: Bee Improvement (raising queens yourself) from UK Government (.pdf download 274KB)
  6. ​Best Practices Guidelines: Spring Checks from UK Government (.pdf download 755KB)​ 
  7. Managing Small Hive Beetles, Jon Zawislak, Univ. of Arkansas, Div. of Ag.  (.pdf download 424KB)
  8. Small Hive Beetle: A Potential Pest in Honey Bee Colonies in Oregon, Dr. Dewy Caron, et al (.pdf download 835KB)
  9.  MAAREC Small Hive Beetle Fact Sheet-Revised 2015 (.pdf download 379KB)​​​​
  10.  2019 January 2019, 2nd Edition, Varroa Guide - USE (.pdf download 4.3MB)

​​         *Veto-Pharma is the maker of ApiLifeVar, which is available from Mannlake ( Api Life Var - 10 pack (Contains 20 Wafers) An alternative product for Varroa treatment. Up to 95% efficacy, most effective when the temperature range is 65°- 95° F (18° - 35° C).


​​NEKBA 2024 Tri-fold Brochure (.pdf download)   

NEKBA 2025 Brochure (.pdf download)

NEKBA 2024 Brochure (.pdf download)

NEKBA 2023 Brochure  (.pdf download)

KHPA 2024 Tri-fold Brochure (.pdf download

KHPA 2024 Tri-fold Brochure (.pdf download

KHPA 2023 Tri-fold Brochure (.pdf download)     

National Honey Board Brochure Honey & Food 50 Ingredients that benefit from pollination (.pdf download)

Publication info

Join for the benefits. We offer region specific knowledge, and support for all levels. A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, or build good will. 

Some publications of interest...


NEKBA Best Practices - a guideline for members (.pdf download)

Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

(You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the presentations. If you do not have it, please click on the Link button to download a free copy.)