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Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers



Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association

PUBLICATIONS - LIST of Contents Bee Class 2021

  1. ​​​​Bee Hive Equipment Presentation Part I     January 2021.  Beg. Bee Class    Robert Burns  
  2. Bee Hive Equipment Presentation Part II    January 2021.  Beg. Bee Class    Robert Burns


Package Bee Installation & OA Dribble info  (.pdf download)

NEKBA Best Practices - a guideline for members (.pdf download)


Publication info

Join for the benefits. We offer region specific knowledge, and support for all levels. A presentation is the process of presenting a topic to an audience. It is typically a demonstration, lecture, or speech meant to inform, persuade, or build good will. 


  1. ​​​​Handbook of Small Hive Beetle from Clemson Cooperative Extension (.pdf download 1.9MB)
  2. Queen Rearing Brochure from Univ. of Arkansas (.pdf download 792KB)
  3. ​Feeding Bees Sugar - Best Practices Fact Sheet from​ UK Government (.pdf download 358KB)
  4. Best Practices Guidelines: The Essence of Beekeeping from UK Government (.pdf download 390KB)
  5. Best Practices Guidelines: Bee Improvement (raising queens yourself) from UK Government (.pdf download 274KB)
  6. ​Best Practices Guidelines: Spring Checks from UK Government (.pdf download 755KB)​​​
  7. ​Managing Small Hive Beetles, Jon Zawislak, Univ. of Arkansas, Div. of Ag.  (.pdf download 424KB)
  8. Small Hive Beetle: A Potential Pest in Honey Bee Colonies in Oregon, Dr. Dewy Caron, et al (.pdf download 835KB)
  9.  MAAREC Small Hive Beetle Fact Sheet-Revised 2015 (.pdf download 379KB)​​​​
  10.  2019* January 2019, 2nd Edition, Varroa Guide - USE (.pdf download 4.3MB)


* Veto-Pharma is the maker of ApiLifeVar, which is available from Mannlake ( Api Life Var - 10 pack (Contains 20 Wafers) An alternative product for Varroa treatment. Up to 95% efficacy, most effective when the temperature range is 65°- 95° F (18° - 35° C).

Publications FOR REFERENCE